martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008


Bueno este es un trabajo que nos encargo el Lic. Juan Enrique Cabrales ,en el cual teniamos que escribir cada semaƱa, sobre algun tema, el tema era a eleccion propia , o bien algunas excepciones en las cual se nos encargaba un trabajo. En lo particular me fue de mucha utilidad , porque la verdad si me hacia pensar durante toda la semana , en algun tema interesante o alguna experiencia propia , ademas creo que dentro de los puntos positivos fomento en mi un poco mas la lectura, de algun articulo de interes o simplemente de alguna nota relevante que encontraba en el periodico. Algunas de las cosas que no me gustaron fueron que a veces se me quedaba en blanco y no sabia que poner. Pienso que es una buena actividad , y una forma de estar mas en contacto con la tecnologia porque es la primera vez que hago algo esto que fue escribir en un blog

The dog's best friend man

Totally agree ...

And it is because I enjoy these kind of pets, and it is because I have two named Violet is a French Poddle and Hamburguesa is Maltes . In general the dogs are very intelligent, sometimes look like if they understand everything that we try to say to perfection, are loving, give you company, are faithful and also recently was reading of the benefits of having this kind of pets here are a few:

If you're looking for a healthier life, Get a dog. Scientists long have believed that the company of a dog can improve your health, but the new research confirms that the owners of dogs are more physically healthy. In other research, doctors found that dogs help to recover serious illnesses such as heart attacks. And the article make mention that It is possible that dogs not only improve our well-being but also facilitate our physical activities and the development of social contacts. The dogs can help chronically ill children endure potentially painful process of curing diseases. With his powerful sense of smell, dogs seem to be able to detect malignant melanomas. A recent study in Israel suggested that animals can help people suffering from schizophrenia to feel calmer and more motivated. I like very much the dogs and that is the reason of why I wanted to learn more about the Dogs Wizards and share that information. The dogs are trained to offer many different types of aid. Although they may be called by different names, it seems that all fall into five general categories. These are: guide dogs. Provide visual aid to be transported to those individuals with disabilities of the view that the dog can handle them alone. Dogs for the Deaf. Provide assistance to audit those individuals who are deaf or hearing disabilities who can handle the dog alone. Service dogs. Provide assistance to carry out practical tasks to those individuals who suffer from physical disabilities and can handle the dog alone. Service dogs with help. Company and provide practical assistance to those individuals needing help from another person to handle the dog, and Dogs campus. Working with a professional trained to provide patient interactions / mascot during therapy.



My vacations were a little out of the ordinary, because I decided to travel to Monterrey with my sister, it was an exciting experience and from which I could learn a lot. When we arrival there. We didn´t know anyone, we had an address but when we arrived we realized that didn´t exist the direction, we went walking all day looking for a place to spend the night, fortunately we find good people and gave us a direction in which we could to spend that night.It was also funny seeing the two loading suitcases all day, I think we learned to be more responsible for ourselves, and see that everything in life costs, but you can get everything you want if you effort, despite our bad experience I think we should always keep our sense of humor. We returned from that trip two different people.


SMS known as MMS & E-MAIL

Both the SMS each medium has its technological similarities, advantages and disadvantagesthat compensate the drawbacks of each other. both have had an enormous impact currently and although the influence of E-mails . The computers started serving the function of calling and the mobile phones started working like computers. It should be understood that both are equally relevant in their own regards and they cannot replace each other.

SMS is a short message that is a more informal method of staying in touch and yet it is more accessible in comparison to an e-mail. On the other hand the SMS is used in a very informal fashion by the people. However, the drawback of SMS is that you have a limited word limit (160 words) and you are charged money for sending an SMS. However, on the other hand, the e-mail has always been free of cost and is more economical and without any word limit. So, you could write as long as you can while using your e-mails.

But SMS is more efficient than the E-mails as it would work everywhere and you could check your SMS even while you are outside. You can also in a mobile phone, checking your e-mails is possible through a mobile phone also but again the cost factor abstain us in doing so.
I think both are very useful because if you do not have at your fingertips one, Nowadays you can get the other without much difficulty. Well, both at the end of all they have the same purpose which is to serve as a means of communication
Thus, both these mediums have retained their hold on their respective markets and thus despite all the comparisons, it seems that the both ways are inevitable and can't take each other's place.


Two passengers Angels was stopped for the night at the home of a very wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to allow the Angels to stay in the guest room of the mansion. despite that the family, gave to they a little space in the cold basement of the house. As they were preparing their beds on the hard floor, the oldest Angel saw a hole in the wall and repair it. When the youngest Angel wonder that the older you Angel replied, "The Things are not always what they seem." The next night, the pair Angels came to rest in the house of a gentleman and a lady, very poor, but the man and his wife were very hospitable. After sharing the little food that the family was poor, the couple allowed the Angels to sleeping in her bed where they could get a good night's rest. The next day, the Angels found bathed in tears to the Lord and his wife. The only cow that the couple had, whose milk had been his only entry of money, lying dead on the field. The youngest Angel was furious and asked the oldest Angel, how could you let this have happened? The first man I had it all, however you helped; The youngest Angel charged. The second family had very little, but was willing to share everything, and you allowed that the cow died. "Things are not always what they seem," he replied the oldest Angel. "When we were in that basement of the vast mansion, I noticed that there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Because the owner was so obsessed with greed and not willing to share their good fortune, I seal the hole, so may never find it. " "Then last night while we are sleeping in the bed of the poor family, the angel of death came in search of the wife of a farmer. And I gave the cow in place." Things are not always what they seem. " Sometimes, that's exactly what happens when things do not go out as one expects. If you have faith, just need to trust that whatever things to come, will always be to your advantage. And you might not know this until a little later.

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008


This is an story that I invented for a subject, I hope that was well written


Currently I live in Spain, in a house that does not have very good popularity, the people said that is haunted, this is a very large house surrounded by before was a garden. It was built 10 or 15 years ago by a very important man, who died of a strange disease in another country, but shortly after the rumor spread that his house was haunted. The people who lived before in the house, said that they were bothered by the noise supernatural that every day were heard.

The doors were opened by themselves, footsteps were heard and that came down the stairs, these people said they could not continue living there, so they decided to leave the house. Shortly after the house was inhabited, but continued the same situation. So for this kind of situations get a bad reputation and become an uninhabited for years. Several people wanted to buy but always before to sign the contract and they heard frightening noises, so they decided to leave the house.

There was a person who finally decided to buy the house; Yes, I did, I really do not believe so much that exist the supernatural so I decided to move with a colleague, because we are writers, and the house was perfect to continue with our respective works, asthe house was at the center of the city, and also had a library in front of our new home, we decided to unpack. Now only we were three my friend, me and a lady who was responsible for the cleaning of the house. We sat at table for dinner and talk a little bit of what we would do the next day, ending we went to our respective rooms.

Take a book to read on what to sleep, I decided to leave the book to one side in the desk and I go to sleep, when I turn off the light I heard a noise of something that had fallen on my feet quickly turned on the light again in order to see what was there I was very confused because it was a book of very ancient appearance that also contained a key. A few minutes later carefully examine the key, it was old but not oxidized and not in bad condition,add coincided perfectly with the lock of the book, for a moment I decided not to open because perhaps the best choice would be to research well in order to know what was the strange book, because his appearance was rare ,it was a black book with gold letters that were illegible in sight, I am writer but in my life have I seen anything like what my eyes saw.

The next morning I decided to tell my friend what happened but could not find it and I assumed that he had left the hause very early. I hadn´t a choice so I had to investigate alone, so I went to the library's location, I tried to spoke to the librarian , explaining that I was looking for some inforaton about a book with these characteristics, I think that he thought that I was crazy and told me that the drugs weren´t good for my health. I assumed that I began to investigate alone in some books without help.

Not finding anything, because I don´t know what I was looking to I return to the house, I realized that everything was very dark ;thought distracted me a lot of time in the library . Upon arriving note that my friend had not yet returned and neither the lady that clean the house I was alone and desesperated. I went to my room and I decided to open the book, I was very curious to know what it contained, in fact many questions that were round my head Why me? What was so strange that it contained book? And why don´t believe me? Would I be going crazy?.

When I decided to open it only had a script that said - When you open the page, you should to close-up if not captured live among them-just have to write until the last page - for a moment I thought of closing the book and throw it away more for me, but when I tried to do a photo of mine appeared embodied in the book, I doubt for a moment maybe it is true, I felt so much fear, suddenly the door of my room is closed, I stopped quickly to open it but my efforts were in vain , Shout but nobody heard me, that is what I should to write if in my life as a writer I had taken years to draft a single ,maybe I am dreaming-not really is happening but did not want to end my life between the pages of a strange book - no - I do not want it I thought-

I started to write and write a page and another but my imagination goes off when I felt a great despair, I tried to calm and so spent hours, days and still did not keep even half I kept writing and to lose track of time when I feel really tired I fall in slept deeply on the pages of the book upon awakening I realized that I just missing the end I was happy with a hope but but I didn’t know what final to give it ,so I just wrote, I just gave it back to the last page, when I wrote the last word in the book, listen to the voice of a child who told me –Do you know-my dad I always read me this book before bedtime, he did a business trip but no longer return, He promised that read the end of the story, so I could not sleep and I have been waiting for he, but I want to go to sleep , all the days every day under the stairs to see if my father has come - Could you read it to me? - I wonder, and remained paralyzed -where did this child had appear? really I was going crazy , Yes – I answered fearful, and I began to read the book that now wasn´t black only was a children's story- when I finished I fall asleep, on waking, lifted shock me - what strange dream! No- that wasn´t a dream; was a nightmare! A bad nightmare! .

I ran down the house to find my friend, and I saw he was having breakfast, gave me a great peace of mind, and again went back up to my room, but I saw the book on my bed, with a note that read - Thanks, now I can sleep with peace- and suddenly the book disappear – then I ran to tell my friend all had happened but surprisingly I didn´t remember anything about I had written in that book.

I now live in the same house, now I know that was a good decision to have reached to this house because at least I could help someone with just having read a story of children and now I can to say that I believe in the supernatural–the house continue having bad reputation, and people are still asking them why I still live in this place, but I think that they don´t understand. And you would you like to read a magic book?...

viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008



The day of the contest was one of the most fun I've had from one day before in which we were all trying to work with something in order to do the costume, Dulce was sewing the fabric , other were making balls of paper with newspaper but what was more funny at the time of the trial that we will not denoted according to the steps, though they were easiest but I think that were all a little complicated for everybody , the steps at the of the day were not used and each person created their own steps because the space was very small and could not see much, so I just listened to the laughter of all, Despite the fact that we could not see anything because of the competition the group was staying outdoors the truth was a very enjoyable experience.The song was not for my liking but I think it will be difficult to forget and when I will heard the song again surely will bring me some memories of that day This is a short video of when we leave the room acts