domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008



I was reading a magazine, reading about the northern lights , I think that is a beautiful phenomenon .The aurora was named after the Roman goddess of dawn, and was long thought to be produced by sunlight reflected from polar snow and ice, or refracted light much like rainbows.

Researchers indicate that the aurora is caused by radiation emitted as light from atoms in the upper atmosphere as they are hit by fast-moving electrons and protons. The kind of atom determines the color.

The scientific explanation is that the aurora is a Physics phenomenon taking place 50 to 200 miles above the Earth. Solar winds flow across the Earth´s upper atmosphere, hitting molecules of gas lighting them up much like neon sign
Best Time to Watch The Aurora Borealis at their most dazzling from December to March when nights are longest and the sky darkest, can usually be seen even as far south as Juneau.
An Eskimo tale records that the northern lights are spirits playing ball in the sky with a walrus skull. Another legend, calls them the flaming torches carried by departed souls guiding travelers to the afterlife.

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